Education Recruitment in Hampshire

Here to help educators and schools find each other.


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Find a job in teaching with us.

Finding the ideal teaching position can be challenging, but at Teach South, we make it easier. Our network of schools across Southampton and Bournemouth allows us to match you with roles that fit your expertise and preferences. We understand that every educator is unique, and we take a personal approach to recruitment, helping teachers, teaching assistants and educators find the right roles in schools and the education sector. With over 20 years of experience in the education recruitment sector, we have the knowledge and connections to help you secure your next teaching job.

Let us guide you through the process and find a role that inspires you!

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Find educators to fill a role.

As a school, finding the right educators to fill teaching roles is crucial. At Teach South, we specialise in connecting schools with qualified educators and teaching assistants who meet their specific needs. Our education recruitment in Hampshire and Dorset ensures that we treat each client as more than just a number. We take the time to understand the requirements of your school, liaising with headteachers, business managers, and office staff to ensure a perfect fit.

Trust us to help you find the best talent for your educational institution.

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Fill in the form below with as many details as you can provide, including the types of positions you're interested in. Please make sure to attach your CV so we can help process your application faster. 

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